No successful business ever existed without the anticipation of things that may happen upon the establishment of the business and as the business go on. Anticipating may also mean planning. Planning is one way of putting every possibilities and impossibilities together to set up one concrete concept into realization.
Putting up a business is not just as easy as learning the A-B-C. There are complicated things and issues that one must tackle and somehow solve to make the business successful. As said above, there are plenty of factors and considerations that must always be anticipated by the proprietor. These factors are actually existing facts around the proprietor and around the place where the business is intended to be established. One of the existing facts that can greatly affect a business is the feasibility of location. Funds or capital the same are also important factors to consider.
Business planning is a tool that one can utilize in order to arrive at a good, concrete and successful business. There are so many ways or approaches that can be applied in business planning. Basically, the approach that one must use in business planning is directly related to the type of business that he intends to put up. The bigger the intended business is, the more complicated a business planning should be.
So, what does a business plan contain and how does it affect the business in general? A business plan may contain several steps that pertain solely on the business. This will greatly affect the business because this is a fact-supported assumption of what might happen when the business has already launched. Here are some of the several steps or entry that a business plan must have:
- Description of the business - this entry will describe what the venture you are planning to put up is all about. This includes the name of the business and other features of it. You may also include here the benefits and the reason why this business is an advantage to the place.
- Objective of the organization - this is a simple declaration of what the business administrator would want his business to become and to do with the community.
- Feasibility - this is a research that will prove that the business intended to be established will be embraced by the prospected consumers.
- Marketing Plans - this is a procedure or system that is to be followed by the administrator to keep the business going. This will include research on what type or group of people that the business will cater to. Aside from that, this entry must also answer the question of the consumers like what can they get from the business, how can they use the business, the amount they can spend to the business, etc.
- Management and staff planning - a business can never grow if only one person is running it. For example, a grocery store can never grow if the store keeper, the cashier, the proprietor, the auditor, the janitor, etc. is one and the same person. The staff and store management is very important and thus is usually included in a business plan.
- Financial plans - This is the most important entry in a business plan. This will determine whether the business intended to be built can stand for several months without suffering from financial loses and the like. The capital needed is relative to the size and the kind of business to be established.