The holder of a bank account can get bank checks for their account from a number of sources. The first source for bank checks is from the bank itself. A brand new account may entitle the account holder to a small number of checks for free when opening the account. After these are used there will be a charge for replacement bank checks. This can run from seven or eight dollars (US) to over $15 for 200 to 300 checks. Special order bank checks or business checks can be purchased for a little more. Desk sets are more as they come three to a page; the binder to hold them is also more. The complete desk set can bring the total cost to over $40.
On the Internet, personal bank checks can be found for $6.50 and up. Special designs or company logos can be significantly more for bank check costs. The prices can be in the $50 to $70 range for bank checks of different styles. Most Internet check companies offer first time buyers special deals for their opening purchase. They either give a very low first order price or an offer that is something like buy three and get one box free or an offer that is at a substantial discount for bank checks.
If a person buys their bank checks online, make sure the company is reputable and delivers the checks as ordered with a money back guaranty. Also, the quality of their printing must pass muster when the bank is running the checks through their equipment.
It is the customer that makes the final decision of where to purchase their bank checks. Their options are numerous. One fact is always true, printed checks are convenient and make tracking of the checks easier for a person or a business.